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Using Quotes In mysql_fetch_array()

According to this blog post:

mysql_fetch_array() can be sped up dramatically by including quotes, like this:

 $result['2'] rather than this $result[2]

I just changed my code to use quotes, and I haven't noticed a big speed increase (that's probably not where the bottleneck is).

Edit: This is probably misleading according to the good people at stackoverflow.


I'm really impressed with sisyphus.js and its usage of HTML5 localStorage. It makes it so users won't need to re-enter data into a form when they close the window.

It's super easy to implement, you only need to include the following in your header:

<script type="text/javascript" src="sisyphus.min.js"></script>

And, you will need to activate it on the form you want to save with something like this:


Write To Closest Div (with certain class)

The following code makes it so I don't have to mention specifically what page needs to load before a script runs. This is good for having the same function on several different pages in Jquery Mobile.

var pageId = $(this).closest('div.diagramPage').attr('id');

$(document).delegate(pageId, 'pageshow', function() { }

I included the class because I don't want to end up moving code around and having it write to a different div.

Fixing: "The requested URL /jquery-1.6.3.min.js was not found on this server."

In Wordpress, the following is the error message that occurs at the top of the page:

Not Found

The requested URL /jquery-1.6.3.min.js was not found on this server.

I fixed this error by editing the all-in-one SEO plugin's code (all_in_one_seo_pack.php). I'm pretty sure the following part of the code is the culprit:

 $url = ""; 
 $ch = curl_init();  
 $timeout = 5;  
 $data = curl_exec($ch);  
 echo "$data";

I tried changing it to something else, like: However, it just prints the entire contents onto the page.

The solution: Switch from the Pro 1.72 version of All-In-One SEO to the newest unpaid version.

Jquery Mobile - Display Loading Message

I've been displaying the ajax loading message when loading a php file (especially when there's a chance it won't run instantly).

I've been doing the following:

$.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg ();
$.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg ();

"showPageLoadingMsg" will start to display the ajax loading message and "hidePage~" will close it. The stuff in the middle loads what the php file returns into a div, then creates DOM contents for it with the trigger('create') function.

Jquery Mobile - Close Jqm-Datebox When Dialog Closes

// this will make sure the datebox closes when the dialog closes
$(document).delegate('#closeButton', 'click', function() {

Make sure your #closeButton is the same as the button which closes the dialog.